I was born on March 31st, 1993 in New York, New York. I attended high school in Syracuse, New York, where I spent most of my time making music, running tech for local theater productions, reading, modding video games, and doing math problems.
I completed my Master's and Doctorate in Physics at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, where I worked with Charles F. Gammie. As a graduate student, my day job focused on studying supermassive black holes like M87 and SgrA* via numerical simulation and analytic calculation. I spent an enjoyable semester at Los Alamos National Lab working on radiation magnetohydrodynamics.
I am now a member of the School of Natural Sciences at the Institute for Advanced Study and an Associate Research Scholar at the Princeton Gravity Initiative in the Physics Department at Princeton University. I am a co-coordinator of the Theory Working Group in the Event Horizon Telescope collaboration.
In the past, I have held adjunct faculty positions in New York University's Physics Department and Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences teaching mid- to upper-level undergraduate courses. I spent several months working in a high-frequency trade division at Cantor Fitzgerald. I have been a sponsored attendee of both Black Hat and DEF CON.
In my free time, I especially enjoy reading, music, and software development.
For an updated list of publications, see my Google Scholar or ORCID page.
For more detailed academic information in a sterile format, consult my CV.